About Anna Rappaport, Lawyer Coach
Anna Rappaport, JD, PCC, is a former lawyer with 23 years experience coaching attorneys and 11 years experience mentoring and training other coaches. As an executive coach, Anna serves as a sounding board, focusing partner and strategic resource. She assists clients to create strategic, business and career plans suited to their strengths and preferences; find the time and energy to implement these plans; and enhance business communications. Anna has spoken at numerous conferences and provided workshops to law firms both in the U.S. and abroad. She is a contributor to The National Law Review and Law Practice Today. Anna’s leadership activities include:
Co-Chair of the ABA Law Practice Division’s Lawyer Leadership and Management Committee (2018-2019 bar year);
Council Member for the ABA Dispute Resolution Section (2018-2021);
Board Member of the ABA’s Women Rainmakers Group (2014-present);
Developing curriculum for Women Rainmakers local programs, which are offered twice yearly in 40 cities around the country (2016-2017);
Board Member of the ABA’s Law Practice Magazine (2015-2018);
Serving as head coach for a leadership program that was the most successful of its kind on the Eastern Seaboard in over 10 years (2005-2006);
Developing a head coach training program for an international leadership development program (2006); and
Serving as a mentor coach and helping to train coaches through the Accomplishment Coaching Coach Training program, an International Coach Federation accredited program (2008-2009 and 2014-2015).
Anna has a strong international background, having lived abroad for over nine years, in total, including in Japan, Thailand, Canada and most recently Turkey, where she where she coached Turkish lawyers on business development and taught corporate law at Yeditepe University. She has also worked in Trinidad and Tobago and the country of Georgia.
Prior to becoming a professional coach, Anna had a varied career. As a lawyer, Anna’s main focus was litigation, though she also managed international nonproliferation programs for the U.S. Department of Commerce, coordinated with foreign governments, worked as a consultant analyzing U.S. policy, and was a snowboarding instructor in Tahoe.
Anna received a J.D. from The George Washington University Law School, a B.A. in Political Science from Tufts University and is a member of the Maryland and Washington, D.C. bars. Anna is located in Washington, D.C. but coaches lawyers, mediators and arbitrators around the U.S. and abroad.
Choosing a coach is a very personal decision.
It is important that you find someone with whom you feel comfortable and to whom you can relate. Below are some posts that I have written that are more personal in nature, which will give you a sense of who I am as well as a better understanding of my approach to coaching.
How Coaching Works: Examples From My Own Life
Our personal lives have a major impact on how we relate to issues in our careers. Here, I share examples of how coaching has worked in my own life. Read more…
What Are the Benefits of Coaching?
Coaching is about results. Excelleration Coaching can support you to achieve the results you are looking for more quickly and with less effort. Benefits of coaching include:
Productivity – Are you accomplishing goals that meet YOUR criteria for success? Coaching helps you to be truly, deeply, unconditionally grounded in reality, and that is the key to accomplishing specific and measurable goals.
Bring In More Clients
Maximize Personal/ Staff Productivity
Work Less, Accomplish More
Partnership – Are you getting what you want in your personal and professional relationships? Coaching promotes clear delineation of your goals and priorities and helps you remove the anger and upset that would interfere with effective, direct communication. This enables you to express yourself in a way that strengthens rather than damages relationships.
Enhance Leadership Abilities
Communicate Effectively In ANY Situation
Proactively Create Your Environment To Fit Your Needs
Joy – Do you enjoy Monday morning as much as Friday afternoon? Joy and satisfaction in life are a function of being true to your values, commitments and aspirations. Coaching can provide guidance in finding your purpose and passion, as well as integrating them into your life.
Achieve Work/ Life Balance
Be Self-Expressed and Creative
Reconnect With Your Values, Commitments and Aspirations
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