Money is too important to take seriously

Many of us have a funny relationship to money. We give it significance way beyond its merits. We act like it means something about our worth as human beings, our potential, or the degree to which others will love us. This is one way to practice creating a lighter, more playful relationship to money. Answer this question. What are ten things you could do with money? Now, rather than saying the normal things that you usually buy, e.g., food, shelter, medical insurance, etc., brainstorm a list of things that you could do with money that would be fun or just plain strange. For example: • I could buy 100 rubber duckies and stand on the street corner giving them out to strangers. • I could buy a pack of gum and chew through the whole thing in one sitting. • I could send someone a message via carrier pigeon. • I could buy a carnivorous plant. • I could make a 10 foot tall gingerbread house. • I could buy six TVs and watch them all at the same time. • I could take a bath in spaghetti. • I could use it as wallpaper. • I could paint the living room four different colors. • I could buy cirque du soleil equipment to play on.

Your turn. Now notice your experience of doing this exercise and any resulting shift in perspective.